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As soon as a person is given the role of a "Subadministrator", the administrator can grant him/her with manageable resources . This defines the persons and courses that the Subadministrator will be able to see and manage in the Admin Panel.



The manageable resources organisation unit and jobdescription can be understood as being filters for the person table. This means that the Subadministrator can only manage those persons which would pass the set filter (for organisation unit and jobdescription). It is important to understand that both filters work within an "AND" logic.

  • If both an organisation unit and a jobdescription are defined as manageable resources, then a person needs to fulfill both criteria in order to be seen/managed by this particular subadmin.
  • If only an organisation unit is given as a manageable resource, then the subadmin can manage all persons within this unit, irrespective of their jobdescriptions.
  • The reverse is also true: if a subadmin only has a jobdescription defined as a manageable resource (ex. Account Manager) and no organisation unit, then he can manage all persons who have this jobdescription, irrespective of their organisation unit.
  • If a subadministrator has none of the two given as manageable resources, then he cannot see/manage any persons.

Within his manageable resources, the subadministrator can see and manage persons with equal or higher role, so that he can create course assignments, generate reports etc; however, he can only create persons with the lower ranked role "learner".


The subadministrator can only assign those courses that have the topic  which is granted to him as a manageable resource