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Person status (activated, archived, deactivated)

Persons within Swiss Learning Hub can have 3 statuses: activated, deactivated, archived.


  • full access to the platform, bound only by the limitations of their respective role (learner, subadministrator, administrator, system administrator)
  • can be assigned courses, edited


  • login of the deactivated user not possible 
  • deactivated users will still appear in reports & their learning progress over various courses will be kept


  • login of archived users is not possible
  • archived persons are often hidden in the system's processes and procedures (but can be made visible and processed by setting the filters to "show all" instead of "hide archived")
  • archived users cannot be assigned new courses, however their learning progress can still be tracked in reports of courses they were a part of (as long as the filter is set to "show all learners" and not the default "hide archived"!)

How to change the status of a person

There are 2 main ways of doing this:

  1. Either in the Person Administration, list view: when clicking on the Function button you will have the options to Archive / Activate / Deactivate one or more persons. Chosing any of the options will allow you to select the person(s) you want to apply the change for and then apply the bulk action.

  2. Or in the Person detail view, to change the status of a single person