Subadministrators can define their deputies, who can thereby assume their role as long as they are defined as such. This prevents complicated ressource allocation plans when a substitution is needed and allows for ex. editing the course planner of another subadmin.
"My deputies " tab:
- the subadministrator can add other subadministrators and administrators as deputies
- the administrator can add other subadministrators as deputies
When a deputy is no longer needed, he can be removed from this section also.
As soon as you are defined as a deputy, after you log into your Admin Panel > More > Deputy roles by simply clicking on the person's name you can enter the deputy role
The successful role switch can be confirmed by these 3 elements:
- In the header you can now see the message "Logged in as Deputy"
- The button "Leave admin panel" has changed to "Leave deputy role"
- Immediately after entering the deputy role, you are redirected to the Persons overview page, where all persons defined by the manageable resources of the subadministrator can be seen and managed