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Trainers managing their classroom trainings

Trainers are persons that are part of the SLH person administration and that have been specifically added to the Trainers list in the Event Manager module. They are the ones who deliver the in-person trainings or the webinars, but also the ones who can prepare additional material for the learners and who are responsible for the grading of enrolled participants.

Trainer - dashboard widget

When they login to the dashboard, they will see the widget which lists all appointments where they act as a trainer (Note: please remark that they can enroll to other trainings like regular participants. This is why in this situation, they need to look at the second widget tab "as trainer"). If they click on the All trainings button, they can go to the page that lists all their deliveries and their grading status. If the delivery is still in progress, then the grading will be shown as still open and no grading can be performed. If the delivery has been finished, meaning that all appointment dates lie in the past, then grading is possible and once done, the grading status will be shown as "completed" for the trainer, like in the examples below


Note: The counter next to the tab name will always show only the current & future appointments. The trainings page though will always list all deliveries in which the trainer was involved, past, present and future. Don't be surprised if the number in the widget tab does not match the number of listed deliveries on the "All trainings" page!

Uploading / removing course material

The trainer can upload files on the delivery detail page. The permitted files are of type pdf, office formats (doc, ppt, xls), images (png, jpg) and zip files with a maximum size of 10MB.


To remove any uploaded files, click Edit and then the remove icon will appear next to each uploaded file.


Grading participants in a delivery

Grading can start after the last appointment in the series has also been finalised. In the example from the screenshots above, a regular grading through the trainer would only be possible after 24.02.2021, the date of the last appointment. Also, it is important to note that the trainer will grade the whole delivery - meaning the performance of each participant across all appointments and not singular appointments! 


The grading options are listed in the left hand side column of the table below. We also listed the equivalent status in the SLH course - remember that classroom trainings behave like learning objects/course items. In order to set this type of learning object to completed, you can use the grading "Passed" or "Dispensed/Excused" (ex. the training is mandatory, but the participant has recently taken the training and already has a certification to prove it). If you want to mark the training as failed, then you can pick either "Not passed/Visited" (person attended the appointments, but did not prove the needed qualification level at the end of it) or "Not visited" (ex. did not attend). 

Grading for classroom training Equivalent LO status in the SLH course
Passed Completed
Not passed/Visited Failed
Not visited Failed
Dispensed/Excused Completed

Grading can be performed in 2 ways:

  • if all enrolled participants would get the same grade, then you can use the dropdown for "Rate all" - the selection made will be applied to all participants in this delivery
  • if you want to do separate gradings, you can do so for each participant in turn by selecting a value in the dropdown next to her/his name


Important: when the trainer grades the participants, the delivery status switches to "complete". This is also the reason why the grading can't be done on separate sessions! Once started, the trainer will need to perform the grading of the whole participant list in order to save them. Also, once the grading has been performed, there is no possibility to edit the grades again. The trainer will only see a listing of all delivery participants and the grade she granted them
