Event Manager
Module overview
The Event Manager allows the creation & administration of classroom trainings, integrated into bl...
Managing resources for classroom training: trainers, buildings, rooms
In order to notice any scheduling conflicts for rooms or trainers involved in different trainings...
Creating a classroom training
Step 1: in the Event Manager Classroom training In the Pool, admin can create a new classroom t...
Mail notifications Event Manager
There are some default mail notifications for classroom training and some that can be managed by ...
Administrators managing classroom trainings
Edit a delivery Deliveries can only be edited while they are active - once the gradings have bee...
Trainers managing their classroom trainings
Trainers are persons that are part of the SLH person administration and that have been specifical...
Learners booking a delivery in a classroom training
Prerequisites: the course is assigned or was already booked by the learner. Deliveries can't be b...