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Learners booking a delivery in a classroom training

Prerequisites: the course is assigned or was already booked by the learner. Deliveries can't be booked outside of SLH courses.

Once included in the course, the classroom training will appear like any other learning object on the course overview page, but its button will signal to the learner he needs to enroll in it and the icon will indicate it is a classroom training.


On the detail page of the training the learner can book any delivery present in the course as long as there are still available seats. Note: if the start date of registration is still in the future, then the Enrollment button will not be shown! If the delivery registration time is expired, then the same behavior is expected.

The learner can only book one delivery of the existing ones. This is the reason he sees all details of the appointments before commiting to the delivery. As soon as a booking on one delivery is made, then the presence to the appointments in that delivery become mandatory for the learner.

Every booking will decrease the number of available seats and once all are taken up, the booking button will be blended out, thereby avoiding any overbookings.


Once he enrolls, he will only see the details of his delivery and a new container appears on page on the right side, Course materials, where he can find any files that the trainer might have uploaded for the learners taking this training.


As soon as a training is booked, on the dashboard the learner will discover an appointment widget, either in list or calendar form, or both (this is a configurable option). The dates with an appointment will be marked in the calendar, showing the location and trainer details on hover. The list will also show all needed information for each appointment included in the booked training.

Here an example where both the list and calendar widgets are enabled on dashboard:
