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Tips and tricks in the Skill Manager


If you start creating a competence or a jobprofile and abandon the form without saving, for example by navigating to some other page, on return & reopening of the create form, you will be asked whether you want to continue with the previus one or start from scratch. This gives you the chance to track back input data if you left the form by mistake.


Direct assignment creation from skill

If you go to the skill overview, detail page of a skill and navigate to Courses tab, if you'd like to add an assignment from here, you have a button for "Create assignment". You won't have to add the skill details anymore, as they will be taken over from here.



Influence of competence status on existing evaluations

If you set the status of a competence to "deactivated" when editing, it will no longer show in the jobprofile, even if it was already evaluated. However, when you reactivate it, it shows up again, including the existing evaluations.

Editing of competencies / skills / indicators when already enabled in jobprofile

You can only remove a skill/indicator from a competence if it is not used in any jobprofile. But don't worry, should you try to perform this action not knowing if it is used or not, an error will prevent you from doing so. You can directly navigate to the involved profiles and disable the indicator/skill from there - once no more connections exist, then deletion is possible during editing.


Editing a jobprofileĀ 

Important: please be aware that adding skills, indicators or new competencies to the profile will have consequences on the total amount of skillpoints of the profile and also on the learning progress of the learner! Same applies when competencies are deactivated or when already enabled skills/indicators/competencies are removed from a profile, as well as when the K rating of indicators or the relevance of a skill in the jobprofile is changed.

Editing an assignment (skill-to-course)

Remember that an assignment needs at least 1 course in order to be created! When you edit such an assignment, if you try to delete the only existing course from it, an information pop-up will prevent you from that. You can just add another course if you really need to remove the current one.
