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Skill Manager exports

Up until now we have seen how the learner can track his/her progress through the various interfaces available. We have also kept track of the calculations possible and where they originate. But administrators also have options to see these results.

Profile export

In a specific jobprofile, tab Persons, the administrator can export an Excel file for a person or for several persons (as a zip file). This contains the results for self-evaluation, foreign evaluation and knowledge, as exemplified below for the learner we followed until now. Each skill enabled in the jobprofile appears on a line.


Evaluations exports

It is possible to export Excel files both for self- and for foreign evaluations. This goes also over the Actions dropdown > Export. For the foreign evaluation, dates when they were completed, due date, details about the third party evaluator are shown per learner. In this file, each indicator enabled in the jobprofile appears on one line, like in the example below.


The self evaluation .xls file is structured similarly, each enabled indicator per row, but contains of course less details, as a due data and foreign evaluator data are missing. Here is an example of the self-evaluation export:
