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Create jobprofile

Now that you have created some competence groups and competencies, you can combine them into structures that not only contain specific clusters of skills and indicators, but also different weighing as regards their importance in specific job profiles or expertise levels. Similar to the create competence form, the create jobprofile form will also take you through several steps and will allow you to create these needed structures. 

Step 1: Basic information

Add basic information to identify the profile. The title and description will also appear on the Profile widget in the dashboard of the learner, once you assign her/him the profile.


Step 2: Select competence

From the displayed competence groups, select the competence(s) that would fit the jobprofile description. 


Step 3: Edit skills & relevance

  • when you reach this step, only the competencies selected in the previous step will be shown. Expand each competence field and either only select the relevant indicators for the skills (if you want to keep the skill) or de-select the whole skill that would not fit the profile
  • Then you determine the relevance from 1 to 3 for the selected skills. The relevance will influence the calculation of a student's learning progress within his jobprofile - the higher the selected value, the more weight it will have in the calculation of the overall learning progress.
    Note: if you choose 0, it means the skill is not relevant for the jobprofile so it will automatically be removed from it, including all its indicators!


Step 4: Assign users

If the users that need this jobprofile are already included in Course Manager / Persons, you can search for them here and add them to the jobprofile. On first reaching the page the datatable will show all persons from the Course Manager that have not yet been assigned a jobprofile. You can perform a specific search for a person and add her/him at this point. This step however is not mandatory - you can just as well create the profile you need without assigning it to anyone and do that at a later time.


Step 5: Overview

You will have the chance to review the data included in the jobprofile. Make sure the needed indicators and skills have been selected and that you have carefully picked the desired relevance for each skill. If you notice any errors, you can trace back your steps one step at a time - either by clicking on the wizzard breadcrumbs shown on top of the page, or by progressively clicking "Back" button to reach the screen you want to make changes for.


Once you click Save, then you will see the max. skillpoints and average taxonomy of the created jobprofile. Here an example:


Let's look at the calculations behind the numbers to better understand how they come about:

Average taxonomy

In this example profile, we have an average taxonomy of 3.5 which you see in the competence bar, calculated as follows : sum of K indicators (21) / number of enabled indicators (6). 


Max. Skillpoints

Then we have the max skillpoints. This is the maximum amount of points the learner can achieve in this jobprofile. For this example profile, we get to 69 max. skillpoints. This value is calculated as follows: 10 * average taxonomy * skill relevance (the number in the grey bar of the skill title). We add them up, as we have 2 enabled skills in the competence of the profile. 


Now that the job profile is created, it can be assigned to people so that they can track their progress in achieving skill points. The maximum number of points to be achieved is given by the profile. In the next pages we will show how the learner can achieve these points using the three forms of assessment: self evaluation, third-party evaluation and knowledge (score from a web-based training).

* if your module includes so called "protected" jobprofiles, which are delivered by SLH with the Skill Manager module, you will not be able to edit them. However, protected profiles still allow you to add or remove persons from them, as needed. 
* please be aware that adding skills, indicators or new competencies to the profile will have consequences on the total amount of skillpoints of the profile and also on the learning progress of the learner! Same applies when competencies are deactivated or when already enabled skills/indicators/competencies are removed from a profile