Skills Manager [EN]
Module overview
This module matches a learner with a job profile and allows her/him to track his learning progres...
Create competence
Competencies in SLH consist of one or several skills, each described in more detail by a set of i...
Create jobprofile
Now that you have created some competence groups and competencies, you can combine them into stru...
Create assignment
An assignment makes a direct link between a skill that is included in a jobprofile and a course i...
Profile widget and competence evaluation forms
When learners get assigned a jobprofile, their overview and point of access to self-evaluation fo...
Skill Manager exports
Up until now we have seen how the learner can track his/her progress through the various interfac...
Skills Translations
Given that the SLH offers multi-language support, we have also introduced translations for the sk...
Tips and tricks in the Skill Manager
Wizzards If you start creating a competence or a jobprofile and abandon the form without saving, ...