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Create topics and sub-topics

Help your learners with easily finding courses for the subject matter they are interested in by organizing courses around different topics. They are displayed in the learner area under Content, like for example here in card view: img

or on the same page, in listview, as such: img

Here's how to configure topics: in the Administration panel > More > Properties, click on the first row Topic. img

To create a new topic, click on the button Add, then:

  • enter a title of max 20 characters
  • if desired, upload a jpg/png cover photo (recommended: 320x213)
  • enter the translations of the Topic in the languages supported by Swiss Learning Hub. (Please note that the property name is the identifier. Upon saving, this name is automatically inserted into the language fields of the "Property translation" section. However, you can manually overwrite these entries with the corresponding translations.)
  • Also, if you are creating a sub-topic, type into the input field Path the name of the parent-topic, as in the example below where we are creating a sub-topic "Animal protection" to the main topic "Animals" img

Delete topics

Unused topics can be deleted, under one condition: that they do not contain sub-topics. As long as there are sub-topics, a parent theme may not be deleted from the system.

When the topic is stand-alone, you can just go to the Administration Panel > More > Properties > Topic > click on the topic you wish to remove and click Delete. img

Confirm the deletion by clicking OK in the confirmation pop-up and the topic will be removed from the system.

Please note that the deletion of a topic will also remove it from the courses it was associated with, but otherwise the contents will not be affected by the removal of the topic association.

Deleting topics might cause the loss of the access rights of particular roles (e.g. Subadministrators)! Therefore, before deleting topics, it is important to make sure that these special roles do not use the topics.

Edit the path of a subtopic

Sometimes you will need to reorganise the structure of your topics. Or you might want to delete a topic, but not lose its sub-topics. What can you do then? Let's say that you'd like to move the topic "Switzerland" under the umbrella of "Europe" main topic.

You might reassign the sub-topics to another main topic, which goes easily like this:

In Administration Panel > More > Properties > Topic > click on the topic you wish to reassign to another main topic and click on Edit. In the field "Path" start typing the name of the topic that will become the parent of the currently edited topic and hit Enter when you found the desired one. Then click Save. type:video

If you wish to display the topic on the top level (as main topic), leave the Path field empty.

Enable topic for display in the cockpit

If you want to display learning progress information for the users on their cockpit, then you need to first activate this feature in the Admin area.

Go to More > Properties > Topic and click on the intended topic. Then click Edit and mark the radiobutton for Display on the Cockpit, then hit Save. img

Once the learner accesses the cockpit (given he has courses booked/assigned for that topic), he will be able to view an overview widget with the number & status of the courses.

Sort topics

Topics are sorted alphabetically. If you wish to list them in a different order, you may edit the topics' property fields without editing the translations.

The learner sees the translations only.

For example : You wish to place the topic "Introduction" before the topic "Compliance" on the topics list. img

To do this, just rename the topics' properties to "01 Introduction" and "02 Compliance", while leaving the translations as they were. This brings no change to the learner interface, but you get the order you desire in the Administration panel img

Organisation units and jobdescriptions

Organisation units/jobdescriptions are property groups which also may be ordered hierarchically, in the same way as topics, the difference being that they are applied to persons and not content. As you can see below, the view of the jobdescription property for example is familiar from the topic administration page: img

The units and jobdescriptions you create here can then be applied to persons, like such: img

Organisation units and jobdescriptions can be created, deleted, sorted and updated just in the same way as topics.

Deleting organisation units/job descriptions might cause the loss of the access rights of particular roles (e.g. Granting resources to a Subadministrator . Therefore, before deleting organisation units, it is important to make sure that these special roles do not use the organisation units.