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Add learning objects to your course

Once you have added some learning objects to your Swiss Learning Hub instance, you will want to make these available to the learners. Therefore, learning objects need to be added to your manually created courses or they can complement SCORM files in existing courses.

Simply access the Administration Panel > Courses and click on the course you would like to add content to from the listing.

In the course detail view, on the menu to the left, click on Used course contents and click on Add.


Either type in the pop-up the title of the learning object or search for it by using the filters for Language / Type / Status / Platform, select the radiobutton of the found available learning object and click Add.

You will see the learning object added to the list.

Alternative path

You can also directly assign a learning object to a course as follows: in the Administration panel, go to Contents > Course contents and select the desired learning object. In its detail view go to Used courses and click Add. Search for a course you wish to add this content to, select it in the Search pop-up and click Add


The course will be added in the list under Used courses.

Learning progress changes when adding/removing contents from a course

You can add or remove learning content from a course at any time. There are some important considerations to make when doing that. Learning progress information will be automatically recalculated when a new learning object is added to / removed from a course.

Courses with the "Completed" status will be set back to "Being processed" once new content is added to a course.

The reverse can also be true: when course contents are removed from a course, after the recalculation, the course status of "Being processed" can change into "Completed" if the removed content was the one not yet completed by the learner.

When a course content is removed from a course, the existing learning progress information related to this course content is lost and can no longer be retrieved.

How learning object status influences the overall course status

In the following table we will try to illustrate how the combination of various learning object statuses within the same course will influence the course status for a specific learner.

This is the course status you might see when generating a report for the learning progress of people enrolled in the course.

Not attempted Incomplete Failed Passed Complete Course status
At least 1 learning object 0 0 0 0 not attempted
any At least 1 learning object any any any incomplete
0 0 At least 1 learning object any any failed
0 0 0 At least 1 learning object any passed
0 0 0 0 any complete

Just to give a few examples:

  • A course with 4 learning objects. The learner has status "complete" for 3 of them, "passed" for the last one. The final course status for him will be "passed".
  • A learner with a completed LO and a failed LO in a course will have the status "failed".

Manual adjustment of status/score of a learning object

If manual adjustments of the course content score/status are needed, this can be accomplished as follows:

  • in Persons, search for the learner
  • in the screen Assigned courses / All click on the desired course
  • in the following screen open the Actions dropdown and select Edit course content status/score
  • in the status dropdown chose one of the available options. Completed, Passed, Failed or Being processed
  • adjust the score in the corresponding score input field and Save
