Recently Updated Pages
Skill Manager exports
Up until now we have seen how the learner can track his/her progress through the various interfac...
Profile widget and competence evaluation forms
When learners get assigned a jobprofile, their overview and point of access to self-evaluation fo...
Create assignment
An assignment makes a direct link between a skill that is included in a jobprofile and a course i...
Jobprofil erstellen
Nachdem Sie nun einige Kompetenzgruppen und Kompetenzen erstellt haben, können Sie diese zu Struk...
Learners booking a delivery in a classroom training
Prerequisites: the course is assigned or was already booked by the learner. Deliveries can't be b...
Module overview
The Event Manager allows the creation & administration of classroom trainings, integrated into bl...
Administrators managing classroom trainings
Edit a delivery Deliveries can only be edited while they are active - once the gradings have bee...
Creating a classroom training
Step 1: in the Event Manager Classroom training In the Pool, admin can create a new classroom t...
Trainers managing their classroom trainings
Trainers are persons that are part of the SLH person administration and that have been specifical...
Managing resources for classroom training: trainers, buildings, rooms
In order to notice any scheduling conflicts for rooms or trainers involved in different trainings...
Mail notifications Event Manager
There are some default mail notifications for classroom training and some that can be managed by ...
Supervisor Import
Goal is to import/synchronize bigger sets of supervisor-to-users relations. Content-Type header d...
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an open standard that allows identity providers (IdP...
Microsoft Azure - Exchange of Metadata: Basic Guideline
Preparation Go to Azure Active Directory admin portal Go to Enterprise Applications create a n...
Multi-FaktorAuthentifizierung (MFA)
Wieso Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierung (MFA)? In einer zunehmend digitalisierten Welt wird die Si...
Communities erstellen
Lernende können Communities im Lernendenbereich (Seite Communities) erstellen: unter der Auflistu...
Leitfaden Multi-FaktorAuthentifizierung (MFA)
Wieso Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierung (MFA)? In einer zunehmend digitalisierten Welt wird die Si...
Technische Voraussetzungen
Detailhandel mit Lehrbeginn 2022
Lernende – Praxisaufträge Berufsbildner – Praxisaufträge ...
Kauffrau / Kaufmann mit Lehrbeginn 2023
Big Picture – KV23 BerufsbildnerInnen – Einsatzplanung ...