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Description of detail report

The detail report is only compatible with courses created with the authoring tools STAGE or TESTPOOL.

How to read the detail report - Report structure

Compared to the other reports, the detail report – with its large amount of information – is complex but easy to read.

The detail report is always generated on the course content level. If a course consists of multiple course contents, each course content to be reported will be displayed in its own tab in the Excel file.

The beginning of the report lists some of the learners' master data.


The following section displays a summary of the results of the entire course content (learning object).


The summary is followed by a list containing every page of the course content (learning object). Thereby, each of the green sections represents a course content page and its corresponding response options.


A course content (learning object) may consist of several chapters listed one after the other and of a terminal summary chapter (grey).

  • % Result: Calculated from the "Result" and "MaxScore" columns
  • Not correct: Pages which have not been successfully evaluated (determined by the learning object)
  • Correct: Visited pages which have been successfully evaluated (determined by the learning object)


Report interpretation

  • A: Chapter ID in the learning object / learning module
  • B: Item ID, i.e., page ID of a page of the learning object
  • C: Instruction of a page
  • D: Exercise type (here: Multiple Choice)
  • E: The maximum score of a page defined in the learning object
  • F: Listed answers (A-D). Letters with a star represent answers which in the learning object are marked "correct".
  • G: Display of user entries (1 = clicked / selected)

Interpretation of the result

If you see a 1 in the column of a marked letter (e.g. A*), the learner has selected one of the correct answers.

On the picture on the left, the learner has correctly answered the question on the exercise page, as s/he clicked on the correct answers A* and B* and did not select the answers C and D which are marked "incorrect". Thus, s/he achieved a result of 4 points – the maximum score defined for this page.


Detailed description

User data present

Name First name User name E-mail address Employee ID Status Organizational unit Jobdescription

Learning object information

Time Time Overall Completed by Admin Certificate Completed Created Valid until Best Result % Last Result MaxScore Last Result % na i f p c
Total time of LO
Cumulative total time
(created by TRC)
Has the course been
manually completed?
has a certificate
been issued? yes / no.
date at which the course
was completed
date at which the certificate
has been issued
date until which the certificate
is valid
Best result of LO in %
(calculated from result by page)
MaxScore of LO in points Result of LO in %(SCORM) not attempted incomplete failed passed completed
Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum
Average Average Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Average Average Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage

Page Information

Sum and average calculation: For this calculation only those participants of the report are considered who display learning progress information on the respective page of the learning object.

Time Result Status
Processing time for this page Result on this page
(communicated by learning object)
Status of page:
completed = 1
all others = 0 or empty
A page is completed when the criteria on the page have been met.
When an exercise page is left, it will only be set to complete once it has been evaluated.
Sum Sum Sum
Average Percentage Percentage

Special page types

Fill in (exercise)

Time Result Status Exercise title      
Processing time for this page Result on this page
(communicated by learning object)
Status of page:
completed = 1
all others = 0 or empty
The detail report does not distinguish between upper and lower case in the answers. This distinction is done in the learning object / learning module, but it is not communicated to the system.
Thus, all involved fields are filled with 1